When there is hope!
This is a comment left on our Facebook page from a patient who travelled to have surgery with Dr Mitroi. It took me a bit to collect years of stories
Thoracic endometriosis syndrome
Thoracic endometriosis syndrome: a review of diagnosis and treatment is a review study done by Nezhat et al., focusing on thoracic endometriosis syndrome. Thoracic endometriosis is endometriosis found within the
Extrauterine adenomyoma
Adenomyois is the presence of endometrial tissue in the myometrium. The uterus has layers and normally, the endometrium and myometrium do not mix. In adenomyosis they do mix. Uterine adenomyoma is
Why surgery is indicated and why some patients are scared of having (another) surgery? by Dr Gabriel Mitroi
I am often asked by patients who are coming for a consultation and have been suffering for years with deep endometriosis affecting the intestines, bladder, etc., a very pertinent question: